Code usageΒΆ

usage: aztarna [-h] -t TYPE [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORTS] [-i INPUT_FILE]
               [-o OUT_FILE] [-e] [-r RATE] [--shodan] [--api-key API_KEY]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  <ROS/ros/SROS/sros/ROS2/ros2/IROUTERS/irouters> Scan ROS, SROS, ROS2
                        hosts or Industrial routers
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        Single address or network range to scan.
  -p PORTS, --ports PORTS
                        Ports to scan (format: 13311 or 11111-11155 or
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input_file INPUT_FILE
                        Input file of addresses to use for scanning
  -o OUT_FILE, --out_file OUT_FILE
                        Output file for the results
  -e, --extended        Extended scan of the hosts
  -r RATE, --rate RATE  Maximum simultaneous network connections
  --shodan              Use shodan for the scan types that support it.
  --api-key API_KEY     Shodan API Key
  • Run the code (example input file):

aztarna -t ROS -p 11311 -i ros_scan_s20.csv
  • Run the code with Docker (example input file):

docker run -v <host_path>:/root -it aztarna_docker -t ROS -p 11311 -i <input_file>
  • Run the code (example single ip address):

aztarna -t ROS -p 11311 -a
  • Run the code (example subnet):

aztarna -t ROS -p 11311 -a
  • Run the code (example single ip address, port range):

aztarna -t ROS -p 11311-11500 -a
  • Run the code (example single ip address, port list):

aztarna -t ROS -p 11311,11312,11313 -a
  • Run the code (example piping directly from zmap):

zmap -p 11311 -q | aztarna -t SROS -p 11311
  • Run the code (example search for industrial routers in shodan)

aztarna -t IROUTERS --shodan --api-key <yourshodanapikey>
  • Run the code (example search for industrial routers in shodan, piping to file)

aztarna -t IROUTERS --shodan --api-key <yourshodanapikey> -o routers.csv
  • Run the code (example search against ROS2 nodes)

aztarna -t ROS2
  • Run the code (example search against ROS2 nodes in extended mode)

aztarna -t ROS2 -e
  • Run the code (example search against ROS2 nodes in extended mode with file output)

aztarna -t ROS2 -e -o output.csv